10 Questions ...
Profession: Veterinarian
Dog-sport involvement: 45 years breeding and exhibiting Pembroke Welsh Corgis, mostly at specialties. Have trained and shown in Herding, Tracking, Obedience and Agility. Judge Herding and Sporting groups; working on judging Hounds
Hometown: Waterford, Michigan
Astrological sign: Virgo
1. Do you have any dog-show superstitions?
Never think you have an award won before the judge points to you. Inevitably, you’ll find yourself taking second place.
2. TV-show guilty pleasure?
I have not turned on my TV for the past two years. I have occasionally watched sports events — primarily horse racing and baseball — in the past. About 20 years ago, I did watch “Law & Order” (original series) and enjoyed it. If someone I am visiting happens to have a rerun of “Law & Order” on… I do find myself watching it.
3. If you were president of AKC for one day, what would you do?
Make the computer system/website more user friendly! Most things I hear griped about I often do not have an issue with. I think that AKC is trying to catch up with the 21st Century and pet ownership.
4. Most valued material possession?
Obviously, my dogs, but for non-living things … my binoculars for bird watching! And I do have two paintings — one of birds and one of my dogs — that would be grabbed in case of a house fire when the dogs and cat are safely out!
5. What is something no one would guess about you?
Perhaps that I am an avid reader of fantasy, but I suspect my convertible (and my love of driving it) is more surprising.
6. Who would you compare yourself to?
I do not know that I compare myself to anyone, but I do admire those who are totally honest, professional, knowledgeable, thoughtful and kind to other humans and living creatures. I try to always be that — though some days and some individuals might challenge me! I have no respect for those who gossip, show pettiness or bigotry, and those who have no respect for animals and nature.
7. What are you “famous” for?
Not sure I am famous for anything … But there was a point when the dogs I bred were excellent in both performance and the breed ring. Otherwise, I have many people (primarily Pembroke breeders and owners) ask me about birds … so maybe my birdwatching is currently what I am famous for in the fancy.
8. What website do you visit most often?
AKC and InfoDog! Though I also have eBird and Wings up all the time (both birdwatching sites).
9. What was more memorable, your most satisfying win or disappointing defeat? And what was it?
The worst defeat is the most painful. I had a 10-year-old bitch (who might have been the best Pembroke I have ever owned) at our national specialty. She had won her Veterans class, and I had to hand her off to show a special when they both made the final cut. The bitch was a push-button show dog; my special had gone BOS the previous year — and was not easy to hand off. It was the most difficult decision I ever made. The special went Select and the Veteran got an Award of Merit. At the banquet, the judge told me, “If you had not handed off your Veteran bitch, I would have given her BOB.” I left in tears.
The best moment was the year prior to that at our national when said male special was BOS. What made it extra special was that in the final lineup, the judge had my dog and his father (who I had bred) go around together. The son was BOS, and his father was Select.
10. What do you wish someone would ask you?
“Can I buy your practice? Here is $2 million … enjoy retirement!”