Editorial: January 31, 2025
The upcoming March annual meeting will hold the election for the Class of 2029 for the Board of Directors of the American Kennel Club. There are a total of nine delegates running for the four available seats. The nominating committee, which is selected by the seated board, nominated the following four delegates: Thomas Davies, Kenneth Levison, Sylvia Thomas and Harvey Wooding. The following five delegates are running by petition, meaning that they acquired the requisite number of signatures from the delegates to run for the board: Carl Ashby, Patricia Cruz, Eduardo Fugiwara, Laurie Maulucci and Robin Stansell. Each of these nine delegates gave a three-minute speech to the delegate body at the December delegates meeting held in Orlando, Florida. Below are the speeches made by the nine delegates by name and club they represent at the December meeting, reprinted from Secretary’s Page of the AKC Gazette.
Carl C. Ashby III
United States Kerry Blue Terrier Club, Inc.
The new year will bring new faces and new challenges to the American Kennel Club. The positive impact of the pandemic is over and financial challenges are again on the horizon for AKC. At this juncture, AKC Directors must have significant business experience and fresh ideas. Our foundation sport, Conformation, is in decline. An onslaught of anti-breeder legislation confronts us. We struggle to get our name and message in front of the public. Many of our events do not fit today's lifestyles. Let's just consider one. Let's consider Conformation just for a moment. Conformation is the cornerstone of the mission of the American Kennel Club. The decline in Conformation impacts AKC in many ways. Our local clubs don't have the financial resources to carry our message to their communities. Clusters often reduce the availability of purebred dogs in a community and access to the public, especially in the territory of the clubs. The result of that is of course, is it hurts our ability to grow the sport. The role of AKC as “All Things Dog” is diminished. Our primary revenue source, registrations, is severely hit. Finally, preservation breeding and popularity of purebred dogs is in decline. I will bring fresh ideas and thinking to allow us to address these issues. Why should you consider me with one of your votes? My business experience both as a Founder and President of AT&T Custom Manufacturing Services and as a successful entrepreneur prepare me for the task ahead. My leadership in local and national dog clubs has provided understanding of the challenges all of you face. Jaimie and I have been in the show ring as well as in the whelping box all of our lives and we continue today. I know the challenges that breeders and exhibitors face. My reputation in my community as a leader, an innovator and a problem solver is another reason. My passion, which I believe I have demonstrated over the years for purebred dogs is unwavering. Finally, my previous experience on the AKC Board of Directors, eight years, and two years as Vice Chair, leave me with great experience. Other candidates have that, but what sets me apart is how I went about working with the Board to accomplish results, not looking for recognition, but by trying to build consensus around ideas to solve problems and then ultimately making AKC better. AKC grew significantly during the pandemic, but there's storm clouds ahead. My experience and skills will be an asset as we weather that storm. Over the weeks ahead I plan to let you know why I deserve the vote of your club. I hope to talk with each of you individually and if you have any questions, I urge you to reach out to me. I ask for your vote. Whether I'm elected or not, I promise to never stop working for the American Kennel Club, our dogs, and your clubs. Thank you.
Patricia M. Cruz
Heart of the Plains Kennel Club
Good morning, everybody. My name is Pat Cruz. I'm the Delegate for the Heart of the Plains Kennel Club for nearly 20 years and I want to thank many of you electing me twice to the AKC Board, where I served as the Board Liaison for the All-Breed Clubs Committee and chaired the Audit and the Judge's Appeals Committee; and, contributed to initiatives including the relocation of the Museum of the Dog at that time.
During my tenure, I've been committed to making motions that have delivered benefits to each of you, your clubs and your stakeholders — unmasking the judges names on breed/additional breed applications, Puppy Bred-by-Exhibitor classes, AEDs at your dog shows, and two-shows-in-a-day. NOHS is now an opt-in and concurrent and open classes at all breed shows is now possible. Advocating financial support for K-9 police dogs has morphed into Patriotic Puppy. And working with AKC’s IT Staff, some in this room, took the Delegates e-list from the Yahoo platform to Google making it more secure.
Challenges remain. Registration/litter numbers have declined following the COVID surge. It's time to revisit limited registrations, enhance breeder recognition programs and strengthen the AKC's Marketplace promotion. I ask you, was the recent sixth failed attempt to abolish term limits not enough for the Board to turn their focus on addressing the needs of your club? Helping one club at the expense of another is reprehensible. My aim is to represent the collective interest of all the clubs, not a select few, address the Delegate turnover, low entry breeds and the declining entries at dog shows.
The current approach to the Board Nomination Committee has created instability. This election will bring three, possibly four new members. And, in the next two elections all three people will term out. The show will go on. Remember, there will be nine or ten people still sitting in the Board room. We're not going to have a “Bud Light” moment anywhere.
My Board focus has always been on our responsibility to the clubs. I support and agree with others who suggest extending the hiatus period between the terms. In other words, extend the hiatus period more than one year. I would be happy with four because it's been four years since I stepped away in 2020.
I've always considered myself your voice in the boardroom, listening to your ideas and bringing them to the Board to get success for you, your clubs and our volunteers. With my experience in management, governance, media and collaboration, I will continue to serve you well and honor your trust. My track record speaks for itself. Twice elected from the floor to the Board of Directors and unanimously chosen the first woman Vice Chair in AKC's 140-year history. Thank you for listening. Merry Christmas. Happy holidays to you and yours from me and mine. Thank you.
Dr. Thomas M. Davies
Springfield Kennel Club
As a result of nearly 51 years as a seated Delegate, 20 years as a Director, three years as Vice Chairman and four years as Chairman of the Board, I have the longevity and the experience that provides the institutional memory and institutional knowledge to possess the understanding of our culture, our history, and our future. In any organization institutional memory or knowledge is an important factor in the efficiency, innovation, continuity and identity of the organization. Without it, the organization will waste valuable time recreating failures as well as reinventing successes. It can aid in the strategic decision making and operational excellence by using past experiences for a successful future. It is necessary to know and understand what the past has taught us as we grow and prosper. As George Santayana, a 20th Century Spanish philosopher said, “Those who can't remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Over the years I have introduced and supported programs and processes that have assured AKC growth and enhancement. I have opposed certain programs and processes that when implemented have proven to have a negative impact on our generation. I learned at the feet of my mentor, my pick for the greatest AKC person in modern times, Ron Menaker. I owe everything to him. I am a dedicated fan of country music, so I'll leave you with a line from one of my favorite country and western tunes by Alabama: "Give me one more shot. I'll give it all I got." I appreciate your support. Thank you.
Eduardo T. Fugiwara
Two Cities Kennel Club
My name is Eduardo Fugiwara. I'm the Delegate for Two Cities Kennel Club. I am an active breeder who just finished my 25th champion. I have bred two generations of multi Best in Shows and working on the next. I have won four nationals in the past five years and also developed 18 new show homes in the past five years. Three of them are starting breeding next year. That actually is my most proud accomplishment. All my successes would not be possible without the teamwork of my partner, mentors and co-owners. I am active in the sport. I am the President of my Parent Club. I chair shows in South Florida and I belong to nine clubs around the country in very different regions. I volunteer at my local 4-H. My corporate experience is in marketing, marketing research, sports marketing and club development, consumer marketing and incentive marketing. My experience includes working for companies like Tootsie Roll, Honda Motors, Mobitel/ Portugal Telecom. My strengths are the capability to access and identify problems and opportunities by assessing risks and opportunities. I strive to find the best solution for the task at hand with aptitude in finding and optimizing external resources, outsourcing for expertise. An inquisitive mind when I am engaged in the task, I investigate in depth, and to seek advice from knowledgeable and experienced people in their fields. Approachableness, flexibility and open mindedness are qualities I rely on to be more effective and to be a better team player. I believe that strengthening our sport, especially strengthening our clubs and the organization, increasing engagement of empty-nesters and the young generations. Also increasing ethnic diversity participation in our sport. Together, we can continue to ensure AKC maintains its status as premier dog registry in the world promoting breeders and the sport of purebred dogs. If I'm honored to have your vote, I will make sure to make part of my mission to always be part of the Delegate Body and to represent you and your ideas. Thank you.
Dr. Kenneth H. Levison
Tucson Kennel Club
Good morning. I'm Ken Levison, Tucson Kennel Club. We've heard a lot about the past so far this morning, but we need to talk about change for the future. As Vice President for administration and finance for a college, which was dealing almost throughout my career with a scarceness of funds, I have a strong background in the not-for-profit sector and leadership in management and have found creative solutions that increased efficiency, reduced costs and increased revenues. I have had hands-on experience with change management in large organizations and have helped lead strategic planning initiatives. I know that we must be willing to change to accommodate changes in society while never losing focus on the organization's mission. AKC is currently facing a change in the public's attitude towards purebred dogs. We must never forget that AKC's core mission is to be a registry of purebred dogs. In fact, the constitution of AKC in 1887 stated its purpose: To run shows and field trials and to be a registry of dogs. If we are going to be successful into the future, we must have a clear understanding that the future of AKC is in breeders. Sadly, only four percent of breeders registering Dachshunds, as I said before, are members of our Parent Club and the average among all breeds is only seven percent. AKC needs to work with Parent Clubs to help them attract more of these wayward breeders to join them, to help clubs develop compelling reasons that being part of an AKC club is a value added. This, if successful, will help reverse the graying of our sport and revitalize our clubs and AKC. I know that to make positive change there must be a multi-year strategic plan setting out strategic directions for the organization so that decisions and changes are focused at moving the organization forward. This plan must be developed by all constituencies of AKC: The Board, management, employees, Delegates, and breeders and must be shared openly once developed. I know that effective change can only be achieved through the coordinated effort of employees and AKC members. It is there that the impetus for moving the wheel forward starts. I know that communication, open and honest, is critical in building trust and enthusiasm for the future. AKC must be perceived as listening to the dog fancy. The Board must be at the forefront of this communication, especially with the Delegate Body. The Board must listen and communicate not only the successes but also the challenges. It must oversee the direction and strategic plan and be willing to abandon past practice that may no longer be relevant to our changing times. My background has made me distinctively prepared to rise to these challenges. Thank you.
Laurie Maulucci
South Windsor Kennel Club
Good morning. My name is Laurie Maulucci and I am the Delegate for South Windsor Kennel Club. My involvement with AKC began as an exhibitor and breeder of Great Danes. I have been an AKC Judge since 2007 and was chosen by my peers to judge Best of Breed at our 2014 National. I am currently a contributing member of nine AKC clubs. Positions I have held include Show Chair, Cluster Coordinator, Treasurer, Secretary, and Top 20 Chair. I was recently elected the East Division Chair for the Great Dane Club of America, presiding over our National Specialty in 2025. While Sponsor Chair for the GDCA, I raised over $82,000 for the 2017 National Specialty. Our Thanksgiving Classic Cluster in West Springfield, MA, hosts an AKC Juniors Clinic every year open to AKC and 4-H Juniors with an average attendance of 92, and I am the co-founder of Jackets for Juniors. Earlier in 2024 our cluster lost its Obedience and Rally Chair. I recruited enthusiasts to chair and create a unique three-day Obedience and Rally event. That event increased our Obedience entries alone by 150. Two years ago, I worked with two of my All-Breed Clubs to add Fast CAT® to the events we offer.
I am also the President of the CT Federation of Dog Clubs, which in 2024 was awarded the AKC Walter Bebout Memorial Award for Leadership in Canine Legislation. I work closely with AKC Government Relations and the members of the 56 AKC dog clubs in CT to protect our right to breed and own the dog of our choice. That right is being threatened every day by the actions of our detractors.
I am one of the core members of the AKC-Tufts Canine Whelping Program, which is entering its sixth semester at Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine. We provide veterinary students with an immersive purebred canine whelping breed experience through mentorship by AKC breeders planning a litter.
I am also a member of the AKC Trial Board Committee. As a Delegate, I am the Assistant Chair of the All-Breed Clubs Committee, chaired the Event Analysis Subcommittee, served as a member of the Group Realignment and the Charitable Giving Subcommittees and the AKC Board Nominating Committee. I am passionate about enhancing the general public’s knowledge of who we are and the spectacular things that we do. Our detractors constantly find a way to secure media coverage for their good deeds yet our initiatives like trailers being rolled out to disaster sites never make the six o’clock news. This has to change, and improved communication is where we begin. Serving you on the Board would allow me to contribute at the highest level, and it would be my honor. Thank you for your consideration.
Robin Stansell
French Bull Dog Club of America
My name is Robin Stansell and I'm the Delegate for the French Bull Dog Club of America. Many of you know my wife, Cindy. Behind every woman, there is a strong, albeit quieter man. I have seen our sport from many angles: As a Conformation and Obedience Exhibitor, a breeder, a judge, an active club member, a Field Representative, a Vice President of Event Operations and as a Delegate. I know AKC inside and out and can successfully work with all. I was instrumental in the development of such programs as the Grand Championship and the National Owner Handler Series. I also know the global arena. I exhibited my dogs at dog shows throughout Europe while serving in the Army. I have judged all over the world and have made valuable contacts. While serving as Vice President, I developed and managed a financially successful program called AKC Global Services, which used our core strengths of registration and event processing to great advantage. We can do more to develop revenue using these core strengths. Sadly, the French Bull Dog Club is the poster child for attacks by the animal rights movement Torture Breeding propaganda. It has also been a victim of boutique breeding that is affecting an ever-increasing number of breeds producing types that are not historically possible, yet they are getting registered. Our registration system relies on the honesty of our customers. I can help find solutions that protect our historical breeds without disrupting the organization's income stream and alienating our base clientele. I have seen the challenges to purebred dogs on both domestic front and throughout the world. I have actively prevented the spread of breeding bans in countries as far away as New Zealand. I applaud the Parent Club Committee for establishing a task force to address the Torture Breeding Legislation. AKC is a club of clubs. We need to give our clubs more tools to effectively address the serious issues that confound our rights as breeders, that allow clubs to govern more efficiently and encourage financial and membership growth. I know our organization can do more using our core strengths to develop additional markets and additional ways to be the Dog's Champion. We must grow our sport, excite the youth, ensure the survival of the institution of purebred dogs. I'll work tirelessly and maybe not so quietly to achieve these goals. I would appreciate your vote.
Sylvia A. Thomas
Kennel Club of Riverside
Good morning. I’m Sylvia Thomas and I represent the Kennel Club of Riverside, which is in California. My professional life has been in education for 40-plus years. In that role I have done everything from meeting with boards to chairing boards to being responsible for curriculum for a three-college system that serves approximately 55,000 students, has 150 faculty, and 150 non-classified people who work to support everything that goes on in the classrooms. I have been responsible for the strategic plan for those colleges when they went from individual sites to full accredited colleges, which is a responsibility that I didn't take lightly. It required a lot of preparation and working with a lot of people. I understand what it's like to be part of a group and I am able to work independently, but I most enjoy being part of a good team. I look forward to being part of the Board as part of a very cohesive, collegial team. If I were honored with that position, I would want to keep in contact with my best friends, all of you, the Delegates, because it's important to know what's going on in the Delegate Body in order to share concerns, share those ideas, and forward those ideas to the Board. Those who know me will let you know I believe that I'm always prepared and preparing doesn't just mean showing up. It means doing a lot of study. If you could see me the night before I have a judging assignment, you would think I'm preparing to defend my dissertation. I study every standard and every illustrated standard. I look at the standards 1,000 times over before I ever walk into that ring. Why? Because I want to do a good job. I promise you that if I'm elected to the Board, I will do that same study, that same preparation, and I will do a good job for you. But mostly, I will listen to you because you will be the voice in my ear when I walk into that boardroom. Again, I thank you for your support. I thank you for being here today. And I thank you for loving our sport the way I do.
Harvey M. Wooding
San Mateo Kennel Club
Good morning again. We have four seats to be contested for the Class of 2029. Three of those seats are currently occupied by Directors that will term out and therefore are not eligible to be on the final ballot. There is an accumulation of experience and an awareness of issues that will be lost. For personal reasons, I wasn't able to complete my last term on the Board, but with the matters that caused me to leave the Board in 2019 far behind me, I can help fill a giant gap. Now think about my next two points. First, AKC is in a difficult period. We've heard about that this morning. The numbers show that once again we're sliding. We're definitely sliding. Will it get worse? How do you stop it? Second and equally alarming, a look at the world around us shows steady progress by animal rights extremists. They have gotten multiple governments on board to ban breeding, showing, even ownership of breeds they have selected for extinction based on inflammatory rhetoric and faulty research. They want to legislate us or regulate us out of business. They are after us. Along with their agenda, they have a plan and it's working. Our fight on the legislative front and our TV exposure has been very helpful, but has AKC set out a plan to develop a toolkit and assistance for our clubs to get ahead of this menace? Do we have a plan? Solving a problem involves identifying the core issue; developing options for a fix; taking action sooner rather than later. I help solve problems. I focus on solutions. Here's a third point: Change. It can help us move forward. I like to think maybe while on the Board I played a small part in developing appreciation for productive change within the organization. Prime example: Just look at how we successfully pivoted during the COVID crisis, realizing how important it was for us to embrace change. Those willing to thrive, they embrace change. Those that don't, they fail. Make change a weapon for success. It works. Time to connect the dots. I'm active in the sport and have been for over 50 years. I've had experience on the AKC Board. I've had time off the Board to reflect on where I contributed and where I made mistakes. I've had broad management experience in the dog world. I have 50 plus years in business, both as a Senior Manager and a small business owner. I acknowledge that things are not always as simple as they seem. I'm comfortable knowing that productive change is valuable. I can bring freshness to the Board while still drawing on past experience. I fill a void. Final point, let us make no mistake: Our overriding goal must be to position AKC as the undisputed advocate for the dog and the go-to authority for all things dog. I'm committed to being a driver focused on moving the needle in a positive direction. I am sure every one of you agrees with this objective and hope that you recognize my dedication to it. Come talk with me. I'll here all weekend. Thank you.