Judge Clay Coady with his BIS Shih Tzu Ch. Hallmark Jolei Out Of This World and breeders Luke and Diane Ehricht. Photo: American Kennel Club.
Fri, 01/05/2024 - 7:27am

Editorial: January 5, 2024

The AKC National Championship

The 23rd AKC National Championship Dog Show presented by Royal Canin is now in the history books. From its first show, the AKC Eukanuba American Dog Classic, held on December 12, 2001, at the TD Waterhouse Centre in Orlando, Florida, to the latest event, held December 16 to 17, 2023, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, the dog show has gained in popularity and prestige in less than one generation. The creation of the show up its fruition was the idea of the late Ron Menaker. Far sighted and visionary, Ron was the vice chairman to chairman David Merriam of the American Kennel Club, whose support to make this show a reality was crucial to get full support from the board of directors. Only two directors are still on the board 22 years later, Tom Davies and Carmen Battaglia. Then thanks to the financial support of Eukanuba, the first show took place. Topping the panel was the one and only Dorothy Nickles, who selected the Bichon Frise Ch. Special Times Just Right, bred by Eleanor McDonald, owned by Eleanor McDonald, Cecelia Ruggles and Flavio Wenick, and handled by Scott Sommer. The dog show stayed in Orlando the next year (2002), then moved to Long Beach, California, for the 2003 through 2005 dog shows. In 2006, the show moved back to Tampa, changed dates, and held two dog shows in one calendar year: a January and December date. Then the show moved back to Orlando, where it has remained. A few name changes and major sponsors along the way, and we fast-forward to this year’s event. We are honored to have all the major winners in this week’s issue of Dog News. As we congratulate all the winners, from class wins to group and Best in Show wins, we want to recognize the Best in Show winner, selected by judge Clay Coady: the Shih Tzu Ch. Hallmark Jolei Out Of This World, bred by Luke and Diane Ehricht; owned by Bonnie Miller, Susan Carter Luke and Diane Ehricht, and handled by Luke. The Best Bred-By Exhibitor, the English Springer Spaniel GChG. Telltale Bohemian Rhapsody, was bred by Celie Florence, Robin Novack and Beth Fink, and is owned by Beth Fink, Liz Pike, Judy Vanderlip, Tim Lowe and Susan Hatch. The top Junior Handler was Octavia Stensen with her Norwegian Buhund. The Breeder of The Year were the aforementioned breeders and owners of this year’s Best in Show winner from the Toy Group, the Shih Tzu GChP. Hallmark Jolei Out Of This World. Quite a memorable weekend for all involved with this wonderful little dog. Congratulations to the American Kennel Club and Royal Canin for another great successful show. Well done.


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