The Gossip Column: June 28, 2024
The sudden and tragic passing of KAZ HOSAKA just weeks following his triumph and retirement at the WESTMINSTER KENNEL CLUB has caused a veil of sadness over our sport. Universally loved and admired, a fall in his home took his life and plans for a long and happy retirement with his wife ROXIE, which included a long-planned trip to his native Japan. His WESTMINSTER win with SAGE graced the cover of DOG NEWS just two weeks ago. It included a wonderful piece about KAZ written by our columnist BARBARA FAWVER. All of us at DOG NEWS, especially this writer, send our deepest sympathies and love to ROXIE and all those affected by his passing. As of this writing there are no announced arrangements. ROXIE has requested that those wishing to make a contribution can do so to TAKE THE LEAD in KAZ’S memory. ...
A vote by the delegates at their last meeting defeated the board-backed proposal to vote in favor of the elimination of term limits for the second time. It needed a two-thirds majority to pass, and it failed. Congratulations to ELLEN CHARLES, whose success in our sport of purebred dogs is equaled with her HILLWOOD STABLES of racehorses. She has bred or owned some of Maryland’s most popular and successful horses, and was honored with a special Award of Merit at Preakness Alibi breakfast at Pimlico racetrack for the positive impact she has made on the world of racing. ...
Friends like PAT TROTTER, PLUIS DAVERN, BRUCE SCHULTZ, FAN YU, CINDY VOGELS, MARI-BETH O’NEILL, RANDY GARREN, ELLIOT MORE, ELLIOTT WEISS, GAYLE BONTECOU, GLORIA KERR, ANNE MARIE & RANDY KUBACZ, SANDI OLSEN, MARK & EVA HANSEN, BLAKE HANSEN, SYDNEY GOOD, WENDY & PAUL WILLHAUCK, LORNA MENAKER, and MARK & PAM DESROSIERS and their son JOSHUA gathered in southern Florida to help JEFFREY PEPPER celebrate his 80th birthday. JEFF has had some health issues that have curtained his travel plans, but he is still out and about, and we look forward to seeing him soon. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JEFF. ...
Longtime Borzoi breeder-exhibitor and Hound judge LENA TAMBOER has passed away. Opinionated and outspoken, she was a great supporter of her breed and always had interesting things to say.