Westminster will be back in 2024 for round two at the storied Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens.
Editorial: August 25, 2023
This week the International Kennel Club of Chicago, held in one of America’s largest cities, tries to bring back the lost aura and success of years gone by. With companion shows the Wheaton Kennel Club and the Northeastern Illinois Kennel Club, it is being held under the umbrella name of the Windy City Cluster. IKC has dubbed itself the Great American Dog Show — a bit presumptuous, but understandable if you want to create some interest. Just days before the start of that weekend of shows, the Westminster Kennel Club announced its panel. We would say Westminster is arguably the most important and prestigious dog show in America, if not the world, so much so it doesn’t need flowing or embellished adjectives to make it sound more singled out from the rest of the dog shows — holding its 148th event is proof enough. Starting from the top, with Best in Show judge Roz Kramer, you couldn't do any better. A lifelong dog person from her early days with Wire Fox Terriers, a breed she is still associated with, to this day, she went on to work for a Scottish Terrier kennel, learning and adding to her dog life experience. The former wife of the late professional handler George Ward, Roz learned from the best. George didn't make you feel warm and fuzzy, but he was a dedicated and brilliant craftsman and teacher. As a professional handler she piloted many top winners. Following that marriage Roz went on to become a field representative for the American Kennel Club and their Judges Education chairperson. Roz is presently married to fellow dog judge Dr. Andrew Kramer, and the couple reside in North Carolina. All of us at Dog News congratulate Roz on this wonderful recognition of her knowledge and talent as a dog judge. She will have a field of seven dogs to choose her ultimate winner from, sent to her by Sporting Group judge David Kittridge, Hound Group judge Christine Erickson, Working Group judge Rick Gschwender, Terrier Group judge Patricia Keenan, Toy Group judge Glen Lajeski, Non-Sporting Group judge Fred Bassett and Herding Group judge Michael Faulkner. The entire list of judges appears in this issue of Dog News and online. We look forward to seeing Roz and her fellow judges get into action on Monday and Tuesday, May 13 and 14, 2024.