Question of the Week
Of all the trophies your dogs have won, which is your most treasured?
Lisa Berbit Sanderson
Olmstedville, New York
My most treasured trophy was from the 1980 American Spaniel Club show, Best Junior Handler, showing my parents’ English Springer Spaniel. A Wedgwood blue Jasper box. Such a cool trophy, still have it. It reminds me of my early days showing dogs.
Harry Bennett
Jacksonville, Florida
A wall clock and mantle clock — Toy Group 1 and BIS trophies, respectively — which I brought to Consumer Services when you could do that and traded them in for a lawn mower.
Lani Morris
Whitesville, Kentucky
My most treasured trophy and meaningful dog-show win — EVER — is the elegant medal my Podengo received for his Award of Merit at Westminster ’23 under British judge Mark Cocozza.
Mr. Cocozza, who sadly passed away in January, was so highly respected as a judge and dog man. To have my little smooth Podengo acknowledged by him meant the world to me.
It wasn’t the top prize in the ring that day, but it couldn’t be more precious in view of who awarded it to my little guy.
Randy Garren
Apex, North Carolina
The Best in Show Westminster bowl that “Peter” won in 1991.
Susan M. Carter
Bushnell, Florida
In the ’80s, my black Cocker won an exotic, handmade, one-of-a-kind sculpture of a black Cocker, and my buff Cocker won one in buff the following year. They were from specialty wins. They have traveled with me during each move I have made, and I still treasure them as much as the day they were won.
Andrew Green
Reading Township, New Jersey
Cindy Cooke
Kalamazoo, Michigan
The Lloyd Trophy is the oldest and most prestigious award from the Scottish Terrier Club of America. Breed winners earn points equal to the highest number of championship points awarded in a show. My first Lloyd was earned by the first great dog I showed, Ch. Anstamm Heat Wave. She made people take me seriously.
Pat Cunningham
Brainerd, Minnesota
Our Old English Sheepdog won his first BIS at Des Moines and received a less-than-stellar set of luggage as the prize. We still have the luggage, and treasure the memories as if we had received a new car.
Patti Marks
Willow Grove, Pennsylvania
My most treasured moment and silver medallion was in 1989, when my 10-year-old son was Best Brace in Show at the Montgomery County Kennel Club Show.
Marlene DePalma
Eighty Four, Pennsylvania
Although we had several favorites, I think the retirement of the 26-year-old trophy (which required three wins by same owner) at the Siberian Husky Club of America National Specialty winning at 10 years old with Ch. Kontoki's EIEIO.
Bo Bengtson
Ojai, California
Easily the little silver cup I got at my first show, winning a Junior class of two with my very first and then very young Afghan. It’s been chewed on by later generations of puppies, but it still holds pride of place in our curio cabinet. Hard to believe that was 64 years ago this spring!
Laura Coomes
Ocala, Florida
Winning the Bred-by Exhibitor trophy at the Great Dane Club of America. And being the first black Dane to do it.
Vicky Jones
Sharpsburg, Georgia
A very large, absolutely stunning stained-glass Alaskan Malamute scene hand-made by a former member of the national club. Won it for BOB at the Rocky Mountain area specialty, and my son held the huge thing in his lap on the plane all the way back to Georgia so it wouldn’t get broken.
Ken Kauffman
Sellersville, Pennsylvania
My most treasured trophy is a Ric Chashoudian sculpture of a Cairn, won by Ch. Brehannon's Graylan Drummer for BOW at the 1982 CTCA National Specialty held at Montgomery County KC under breeder-judge Gerard Jacobi.
Laurie Telfair
A very long time ago the homebred dog that became my first champion won two pewter Christmas ornaments as a puppy-class first place. I still hang them every year, and they have come to symbolize the long road I’ve traveled with dogs since then.
Mike Macbeth
Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada
My most treasured trophy is a plain little flat piece of wood, about five inches by three inches. It has the image of Windsor Castle etched onto it. This was the “keeper” trophy for winning the Terrier Group at England’s Windsor Dog show in 2004. My Dandie, Multi-Ch. Glahms Golden Legacy, was the first North American dog to defeat those exquisite British Terriers at this prestigious show. He was permitted to have his photo taken beside Windsor’s spectacular antique silver group trophy, which the club retains. However, the little wooden plaque was the only souvenir. As well as the joyous memories, which of course will never fade!
Susan Shephard
Deltona, Florida
My boy Stan, UK Ch/Am GCh Deja vu Stand By Me, was the only American-bred Pekingese dog to complete his U.K. championship. I got the call at my local show that I'm the show chair of, and I sat and cried. Co-owned with John Shaw and Winifred Mee, handled by Winifred. And tied for first place is my girl Katy, GChB. Deja vu Kiss Me Like You Mean It, winning BOB at the Pekingese Club of America's 2019 National.
Iva Kimmelman
Stow, Massachusetts
A sterling-silver punch bowl won by my Whippet bitch, Ch. Merci Isle The Sting, in 1977 at the Santa Barbara Kennel Club show.
Jay Phinizy
Acworth, New Hampshire
I still have the neat little brass ashtray with the Greyhound etched on it from Eastern Dog Club show winning Best of Breed for the first time — more than 50 years ago. There were many more “faves,” but that one is kind of special, really.
Barbara Miller
Brookville, New York
Norfolk I’ve bred and owned or owned but didn’t breed (only three) have won the breed at Montgomery 14 times. All except the winner in 1980 were national specialties, except this guy was the first Norfolk to earn his championship after division of the breed in 1979. Each win is special, and I thank the judges who awarded my breeding these wonderful wins and the Terrier Group placement years ago. The trophy I truly love is the one awarded by esteemed judge Rosalind Kramer in 2021. Montgomery is the highlight of the Terrier world, and I’m proud to have taken part in it and will continue to do so. With Westminster’s arrival in a couple of months I’m proud to say my Norfolk have won the breed and placed in the Terrier Group numerous times. Trophies are just that, trophies. As a breeder to this very day, I get excited about producing a pup who I feel deep in my heart exemplifies all the qualities the Norfolk standard calls for. If I happen to win a trophy here and there, that’s just icing on the cake.
Jessica and John Gerszewski
Tucson, Arizona
Our most treasured trophy would definitely be our three Great Dane Club of America National Specialty trophies! In 2009, our heart dog, Gable won, and then again in 2012 he won at age 8! In 2016, Gable’s son, George, won.