AKC Meet the Breeds at the Jacob Javits Center. Photo: Michael Canalizo.
The Gossip Column: February 2, 2024
Once again, by all accounts this past weekend’s MEET THE BREEDS held at the Javits Center in Manhattan was a popular destination for many New Yorkers. This was the 15th event since its inception. Among the crowd was a bevy of American Kennel Club employees and members of the board of directors, starting with AKC president DENNIS SPRUNG, GINA DINARDO, MICHAEL CANALIZO, PATTIE PROCTOR, BRANDI MUNDEN, ANITA KELLEY, RON FURMAN and JOE CARLINI. Not just a meet and greet, the American Kennel Club invited 70 elected officials from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut to attend and view the 135 breeds that were represented for the public. All in all, it is estimated that more than 25,000 people attended the two-day event. ...
So sorry to read that the collaborative talents of BARRY MANILOW and Glen of Imaal Terrier breeder and exhibitor BRUCE SUSSMAN’S long-awaited Broadway musical production, HARMONY — the story of six comedian harmonists in 1920s Germany, some of whom were Jewish, whose group was disbanded by the rise of the Nazis — has posted a closing notice for February 4. This production was decades in the making, and it was a dream come true to have it play on Broadway. ...
All of us at DOG NEWS send our best wishes to DEVON & ADAM LEVY on the birth of their second child, daughter JADE LAINE LEVY, born on January 29, 2024, and weighing in at 6 pounds 11 ounces. Joining her big brother ASHTON, JADE adds to another generation of the DEPEW, KIPP and LEVY families. Congratulations, all.
Happy Anniversary to two of my favorite and most missed friends, NANCY & BRYAN MARTIN. Yes, NANCY, I felt that pain in my butt from your kick for my not calling. Celebrating Birthdays … We only get to say this once every four years for Leap Year Baby JOY BREWSTER, BERGIT COADY-KABEL, SIOUX FORSYTH-GREEN, RC CARUSI, KATIE BERNARDIN, LARRY CORNELIUS, MARCELO CHAGAS, LUIS ABREU, JANE ALSTON MYERS, LORI KAUTH, BRYAN BOYES, JOAN FISHER, JOHN KRUKAR, SUSAN CARR, KIP KOPATCH, TONIA HOLIBAUGH, KERRY KUPER and THE HOUSE TWINS STEPHANIE & LAUREN.