The Ratonero Valenciano, or Valencian rat hunting dog.
The Gossip Column: July 15, 2022
Now it’s 200 and counting, as the AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB welcomes the strikingly handsome and uniquely moving BRACCO ITALIANO as its 200th recognized breed. The BRACCO will now be eligible to compete in the Sporting Group. The breed started to gain popularity in the United States after a wonderful representative of the breed was awarded Best in Show at the EUKANUBA WORLD CHALLENGE some years ago. Now that the breed is recognized, it is sure to have many people saying ciao. ...
As has become a customary reward of sorts (maybe a big thank-you to the host country underwriting the show, while the FCI collects revenue from the show), the host country gets one of its rarer breeds recognized by the FCI to compete at its dog shows. So at the recent WORLD DOG SHOW in Madrid, the FCI recognized the RATONERO VALENCIANO (GOS RATER VALENCIA) two days before the dog show, which made it eligible for a World Winner title. Can’t wait to see which Brazilian breed will be chosen in December when the WORLD DOG SHOW is held in Sao Paulo. ...
All of us at DOG NEWS were saddened to hear that West Highland White Terrier breeder SEYMOUR WEISS has passed away. SEYMOUR and his wife HELENE were active breeder and exhibitors. SEYMOUR was a well-known editor and writer, and authored a book on West Highland White Terriers. He was a frequent contributor to DOG NEWS. Our deepest sympathies to his family. ...
RAFAEL DE SANTIAGO, Afghan Hound breeder-judge from Puerto Rico, has passed away. On the international front, RAFAEL had a larger profile, as he held several positions in the FCI, of which Puerto Rico is a member. His years of service to the organization culminated in his being elected its president. The first FCI president who was not from Europe, he took the position very seriously and successfully. We send our deepest sympathies to his partner ROBERTO VELEZ PICO and family. ...
The World Dog Shows held in countries outside of Europe don't enjoy the large entries that are commonly associated with the show. But the support of the Latin American member countries is strong, and they do a great job of making people feel welcomed and appreciated. I’m sure the upcoming Sao Paulo, Brazil, show will be no different. Not to mention, it’s Brazil … the food, the sights, the music, the beaches, the people. If you haven't been there, now’s a good excuse to go. ...
A very special birthday wish to PHILOMENA LINK, who is celebrating her 100th birthday. If we had a queen, as they do in the United Kingdom, she would be sending a birthday card. Instead, please accept the best wishes and many returns of the day from all of us at DOG NEWS.